Typhoon Betty (Mawar) Jiu-Jitsu Home Workout: Don’t Let the Storm Stop Your Training

Typhoon Betty (Mawar) Jiu-Jitsu Home Workout: Don't Let the Storm Stop Your Training Image

As the world watches the menacing Typhoon Betty (Mawar) making its way across the Philippine Sea, many residents find themselves locked indoors, away from their daily routines and pursuits. But for those passionate about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the storm doesn’t have to mean a break from training. Here are some exercises you can do at home during Typhoon Betty to keep your Jiu-Jitsu skills sharp.

Before we delve into the exercises, let’s quickly touch on the current situation. As of May 27, 2023, Super Typhoon Mawar, also known as Betty, is situated 1191 km south-southeast of Kadena Air Base and is tracking west-northwestward​1​. Although it’s gradually weakening, the storm’s current wind speed is still a formidable 250km/h, with its peak recorded at a staggering 295km/h​1​. The typhoon has also been causing considerable maritime disruption, with wave heights reaching up to 17.1 meters (56 feet)​1​.

While the storm rages outside, let’s turn our focus inward and concentrate on maintaining our Jiu-Jitsu fitness and technique. Here are four exercises that require minimal space and equipment:

  1. Shrimping: Shrimping is a fundamental movement in Jiu-Jitsu for escaping and creating space. Start by lying on your back, then bend one knee and push off the ground, moving your hips sideways. Alternate sides.
  2. Bridge and Roll: This exercise mimics the movement used to escape from the mount position. Lay on your back, bend your knees, and lift your hips off the ground, rolling over one shoulder.
  3. Technical Stand-up: From a seated position, post one hand and the opposite foot on the ground. Lift your hips and swing your other foot back, standing up without exposing your front.
  4. Solo Drills: Practice movements such as the guard pass, knee slide, and leg drag. These drills can help maintain your technique when you can’t spar with a partner.

Remember, safety is the most important aspect. Make sure you have enough space and a safe surface to practice on. Warm-up before starting and take breaks as needed. Don’t let Typhoon Betty get in the way of your Jiu-Jitsu journey. Stay safe, stay active, and keep rolling!